The Magazine for Underwater Professionals
Jul/Aug 2015
And so my Lord, whilst the Defence concedes that the Accused was indeed holding a power wrench, the Prosecution has failed to prove it was actually switched on. In which case the Accused cannot be found guilty of using a powered tool. I therefore move that the charge be dismissed
The indescribably farcical MMO rule that divers require to apply for a licence in order to use a powered tool, have to pay £400 and wait up to three months to receive it, is beyond belief! Your homework for this evening: write a sentence which includes the following words: “MMO” and “Common Sense”.
100 years ago
In 1915 the Spanish Navy inaugurated its Underwater Section with the establishment of its new Diving School. The Section was sanctioned by King Alphonso XIII and it came into full operation in 1922.
150 years ago
Divers were called in to Grove Pit colliery in South Staffordshire in 1865. An 80-inch water pump had broken down in the shaft about 20 feet from the water surface. The water level gradually rose and flooded the shaft. Divers Wilton and Bolton were called in and they descended using Heinke diving equipment. They managed to repair the pump and after four days pumping the mine was brought back into full operation.